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漫游UO UO资讯 打卷系统 查看内容

祭坛打卷 Champion 简介

2010-8-10 13:54| 发布者: Admin| 查看: 50028| 评论: 0

摘要: 邪恶潜伏在不列颠尼亚的许多地方,在某些区域它甚至集中在一小块区域内。这些区域常常充斥着替更强大王级的怪服务的邪恶爪牙。这些王级的怪物只有最英勇的冒险者能击败它,且独自一人是做不到的! 要击败王级的怪, ...
The Spawns in the Felucca Dungeons

The Deceit Spawn

这个生育点在Dungeon Deceit 的第三层。
Unholy Terror 怪物类通常在这里出现。

  1. The altar is located right next to a room with pools of poisonous swamp water.
  2. This teleporter will take you to the spawn in Fire Dungeon.
  3. This teleporter will take you to the spawn in Despise.
  4. This is the stairs leading up to level 3 of the dungeon.
  5. This is the stairs leading down to level 4 of the dungeon.
  6. This is the stairs leading up to level 2 of the dungeon.


The Despise Spawn

这个生育点在Dungeon Despise 的第三层。
The Vermin Horde 怪物类通常在这里出现。

  1. The altar is located on the island where Ogre Lords used to spawn.
  2. This teleporter will take you to the Ancient Wyrm lair on the third level of Dungeon Destard.
  3. This teleporter will take you to the spawn in Terathan Keep.
  4. This is the stairs leading up to Level 2 of the dungeon.


The Destard Spawn

这个生育点在 Dungeon Destard 的第一层。
The Cold Blood 怪物类通常在这里出现。

  1. The altar is located in the back part of the cave, past all the Dragons.
  2. This teleporter will take you to the fourth level of Dungeon Deceit.
  3. This teleporter will take you to the spawn in Terathan Keep.
  4. This is the stairs leading up to level 2 of the dungeon.
  5. This is the stairs leading down to level 3 of the dungeon.
  6. This is the stairs leading up to level 1 of the dungeon.
  7. This is the exit from the dungeon.
  8. This is the stairs leading down to level 2 of the dungeon.


The Fire Dungeon Spawn

这个生育点在 Fire Dungeon 的第一层。
The Abyss 怪物类通常在这里出现。

  1. The altar is in the hallways between the graveyard and the stairs down to level 2.
  2. This teleporter will take you to the Ancient Wyrm lair on the third level of Dungeon Destard.
  3. This teleporter will take you to the spawn in Despise.
  4. This is the exit to Serpent's Hold.
  5. This is the exit to the Desert in the Lost Lands.


The Terathan Keep Spawn

这个生育点在Terathan Keep 的深处。
The Arachnid 怪物类通常在这里出现。

  1. The altar is located just southeast of a dark gate that will take you to the Star Room.
  2. This teleporter will take you to the fourth level of Dungeon Deceit.
  3. This teleporter will take you to the spawn in the Fire Dungeon.
  4. This is the exit from the dungeon.
  5. A dark moongate will take you to the Star Room from here.






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