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祭坛打卷 Champion 简介

2010-8-10 13:54| 发布者: Admin| 查看: 50009| 评论: 0

摘要: 邪恶潜伏在不列颠尼亚的许多地方,在某些区域它甚至集中在一小块区域内。这些区域常常充斥着替更强大王级的怪服务的邪恶爪牙。这些王级的怪物只有最英勇的冒险者能击败它,且独自一人是做不到的! 要击败王级的怪, ...
The Spawns in the Felucca Lost Lands

这里共有 12 个生育点在分布在 Lost Lands in Felucca.
除了第10点之外,所有怪物种类会在其他11 个生育点交替出现。
以下的坐标是用在UO Auto-Map 内的。

Nr. Coordinates Description
1 5511, 2360 This altar is located in the icy region reachable by either going through the Ice Dungeon or using teleporter T5 near the ruins of the old Minax Stronghold.
2 6038, 2400 This altar is located in the eastern icy region, only reachable by boat or by using teleporter T6 east of Delucia. This spawn is divided by a mountain range that can only be crossed by using a boat. (The teleporter meant to make it easier seems to be broken)
3 5549, 2640 This altar is located on the road just south of the oasis.
4 5636, 2916 This altar is located straight west of the entrance to Fire Dungeon.
5 6035, 2943 This altar is located in Terra Sanctum, which is ONLY reachable by boat.
6 5265, 3171 This altar is located on a mountain plateau just east of the passage to the Marble Building.
7 5282, 3368 This altar is located just south of an area known as the Damwin Thicket, it is almost surrounded by mountains.
8 5954, 3475 This altar is located in the Hopper's Bog swamp, just southwest of the exit from the Britain Sewers.
9 5207, 3637 This altar is located right between the City of the Dead and the now abandoned Orc Fort.
10 5559, 3757 This altar is located just southwest of the passage to the Vesper Cemetery.
This location always has the Forest Lord monster group when it is active.
11 5982, 3882 This altar is located just south of the main entrance to Dungeon Khaldun.
12 5724, 3991 This altar is located just north of the small lake known as Tortoise Lagoon.
T1 5443, 2325 This teleporter will take you to a location near the ruins of the old Minax Stronghold.
T2 6053, 2407 This teleporter will take you to a location just northwest of the current one. (Most likely a bug)
T3 5996, 2367 This teleporter will take you to a location just east of Delucia.
T4 6081, 2340 This teleporter will take you to a location just south of the current one. (Most likely a bug)
T5 5731, 3420 This teleporter will take you to the western icy region, also reachable through Ice Dungeon.
T6 5501, 3972 This teleporter will take you to the eastern icy region, otherwise only reachable by boat.
E1 5208,2322 The exit from Ice Dungeon.
E2 5266,2757 - 5974,2694 Serpent Pillar (Say sueacron to teleport to Britannia).
E3 5757.2909 The exit from Fire Dungeon.
E4 5126,3144 The entrance to the passage to the marble building.
E5 5733,3190 The Papua mage shop teleporter (Say recsu to teleport to Moonglow).
E6 6075,3330 The exit from the Britain Sewers
E7 6084,3674 The exit from the Minoc north mines.
E8 5696,3660 The exit from the passage from Vesper Cemetery.
E9 5138,3665 The northern exit from the Trinsic passage.
E10 5150,4063 The southern exit from the Trinsic passage. (Delucia)
E11 5905,4069 The teleporter to Temple Island.
E12 5882,3819 One of the entrances to Dungeon Khaldun
The Spawns in Ilshenar

The Valor Spawn

在 Shrine of Valor 西南,你会找到一条白桥。 过了白桥,打开头上的小地图,会见到一个外形很像王冠的空白地,祭坛就在空白地的西方。这时候就可以准备进入去打Champion了。


The Humility Spawn

在Shrine of Humility 的东北方,你会找到一些荒废的细小建筑物。在荒废建筑物不远的东面便是祭坛了。除此之外,你可以由 "Lava Vent" 向西南走,亦可以找到祭坛。.


The Spirituality Spawn

由Shrine of Spirituality 向东北走,祭坛就在Twin Oaks Tavern 的东南方及树林中细小棚屋的西南方。

在每一处 Champion spawn 的中心处,都有一个深灰色的祭坛,并且就像计时般的运作。在祭坛的定时器有二种:内圈的白色头骨和外圈红色的头骨。(译注:玩家通称红白蜡烛,因为外型为骷髅蜡烛)

白色的头骨表示您距离得到下一个红头骨是多久。且表示已有多少百分比的怪物被杀了 (例如:1个白色的头骨 = 20%)。总共有 5 个白色头骨,当您完成后您将不会看到第 5 个白色头骨,而加上一个外圈的红色头骨来取代。

红色的头骨表示您距离能召唤 Champion 是多久。总共有 16 个红色的头骨。

每次您杀了一定量的爪牙后,祭坛将会升起一个白色的头骨。升起第 5 个白色头骨后,就会升起一个红色的头骨。一旦第 16 个红色头骨出现,Champion 将会被召唤来。不论如何,定时器可设为往前,定时器也会往后。您必需在特定的时间限制内杀完一定量的生物,否则您就会开始失去头骨。



您将注意到在 Champion spawn 的区域内的光线会变暗。这是正常的。愈高等级的生物重生,就会变得愈暗。请带足够的夜视药水或药材!







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