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祭坛 Champion 介绍2

2010-8-11 13:31| 发布者: Admin| 查看: 10028| 评论: 0

摘要: 魔法台出现位置Champion & 守护怪The Harrower 悲痛之王stats / skill power scrolls 技能/能力卷Hero Title 英雄称号 魔法台出现位置 打倒Champion王之魔法台会出现在5处Fel dungeon, 12处Fel T2A Ilshenar ...
Champion & 守护怪
The Harrower 悲痛之王
stats / skill power scrolls 技能/能力卷
Hero Title 英雄称号



Champion Spawn
Monster Group 1 to 5 Red Candles 6 to 9 Red Candles 10 to 13 Red Candles 14 to 16 Red Candles The Champion
Abyss: Mongbats and Imps Harpies and Gargoyles Stone Gargoyles and Fire Gargoyles Daemons and Succubi Semidar
Arachnid: Giant Spiders and Giant Scorpions Terathan Drones and Terathan Warriors Dread Spiders and Terathan Matriarchs Terathan Avengers and Poison Elementals Mephitis
Cold Blood: Snakes and Lizardmen Lava Lizards Drakes Dragons, Ophidian Avengers and Ophidian Knight-Errands Rikktor
Forest Lord: Shadow Wisps and Pixies Wisps Ki-rins and Unicorns Serpentine Dragons and Ethereal Warriors Lord Oaks and Tatanja
Vermin Horde: Slimes and Giant Rats Dire Wolves and Ratmen Hell Hounds and Ratman Mages Ratman Archers and Silver Serpents Barracoon the Piper
Unholy Terror: Bogles, Ghouls, Shades, Spectres and Wraiths Bone Magi, Mummies, Skeletons and Bone Knights Skeletal Knights and Liches Lich Lords and Rotting Corpses Neira the Necromancer

The Harrower 悲痛之王

stats / skill power scrolls 技能/能力卷

stat power scrolls 能力卷

skill power scrolls 技能卷

  • 分为+5, +10, +15, +20
  • 只能用一次,每一 skill 总合最高只到120
  • 下次不能再次使用同一点数之技能卷,如:加了+10 archery到110,下次便不再能使用+5, +10,但可用 +15, +20,如此类推。
  • 所以提议首次使用+20,否则由+5使用开始。
  • 大概有这些:archery,swords,mace fight,fencing,wrestling,parrying,healing,anatomy,tacitcs,magicresist,magery,EI,med,RS,music,provocation,peacemaking,animal lore,animal taming,vet...etc
  • tailor,smith只有订单报酬才能获得
  • +5 技能卷是不能被盗,死后跟身。
  • +10, +15, +20, + 技能卷全被"cursed"咀咒的,可以被盗,死后不跟身。
  • 所以提议首次使用+25,否则由+5使用开始。

  • 技能卷之获得 (只适合于Fel Champion战):

    • 可从死了的Champion身上获得(+5~20)
    • 如果你有伤害了Champion,你个袋可能会出 random skill power scrolls 技能卷(+5~25)。
    • 如果你有杀了好多spawn monstar 守护怪,你个袋可能会出 +5 技能卷。

Hero Title 英雄称号

Champion Titles
Monster Group First Tier Second Tier Third Tier
Abyss: Foe of the Abyss Assassin of the Abyss Conqueror of the Abyss
Arachnid: Bane of the Arachnid Killer of the Arachnid Vanquisher of the Arachnid
Cold Blood: Blight of the Cold Blood Slayer of the Cold Blood Destroyer of the Cold Blood
Forest Lord: Enemy of the Forest Lord Curse of the Forest Lord Slaughterer of the Forest Lord
Vermin Horde: Adversary of the Vermin Horde Subjugator of the Vermin Horde Eradicator of the Vermin Horde
Unholy Terror: Scourge of the Unholy Terror Punisher of the Unholy Terror Nemesis of the Unholy Terror

Super Champion Titles
First Tier Second Tier Third Tier Fourth Tier Fifth Tier Sixth Tier
Hunter of Evil Venom of Evil Executioner of Evil Annihilator of Evil Spite of Evil Opponent of Evil

部份数据源自UOSS & OPA sphinx 的翻译







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