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2010-7-23 13:27| 发布者: Admin| 查看: 17023| 评论: 0

摘要: 抄写Inscription 抄写训练方式 0~25  NPC学习 25~45  制作魔法第 3 环 scroll 45~60  制作魔法第 4 环 scroll 60~75  制作魔法第 5 环 scroll 75~90  制作魔法第 6 ...
0~25  NPC学习
25~45  制作魔法第 3 环 scroll
45~60  制作魔法第 4 环 scroll
60~75  制作魔法第 5 环 scroll
75~90  制作魔法第 6 环 scroll
90~98  制作魔法第 7 环 scroll
98~100  制作魔法第 8 环 scroll
item receipt
作成材料 必要mana 最少抄写技能 100%成功抄写技能
Enchanted Switch × Blank Scroll(1)
Spider's Silk(1)
Black Pearl(1)
0 45.0 95.0
Runed Prism × Hollow Prism(1)
Blank Scroll(1)
Spider's Silk(1)
Black Pearl(1)
0 45.0 95.0
Rune Book × Blank Scrolls(8)
Unmarked Rune(1)
Recall Scroll(1)
Gate Scroll(1)
0 45.0 95.0
Bluk Order Book × Blank Scrolls(10) 0 65.1 100抄写只有70%
SpellBook × Blank Scrolls(10) 0 50.0 100抄写只有50%
Spellbook Engraving Tool

× Feathers(1)
Black Pearl(7)
0 75.0 100抄写只有50%
Scroll Binder 滚动条绑带 × Wood Pulp 木浆 0 75.0 - - -
Scrapper's Compendium

*Spell Damage Increase 25%,
*Faster Cast Recovery 1,
*Faster Casting 1,
* Lower Mana Cost 10%
Blank Scroll(100)
Dread Horn Mane(1)
0 85.0 100抄写只有30%
抄写滚动条所需条件(Minimum Requirements for Inscribing Spells)
- 要抄写滚动条,你需要准备一个抄写笔(scribe's pen,可从NPC处购买或由工艺匠(tinker)制造),双击抄写笔弹出抄写选单。
(To scribe a scroll, you need a scribe's pen (may be bought from NPC scribes or made by players with sufficient tinkering skill) and a blank scroll in your backpack. Doubleclick the pen to open the crafting menu for scribes. )

- 在你的魔法书中需要有你要抄写的魔法,魔法书必须放在手上或背包里,并且你必须携带相应的药材,如果你身上有几个魔法书,默认是你手中的那本
(When scribing scrolls you need to have the spell you want to scribe in your spellbook, your spellbook must be in your hands or in your backpack and you must have the necessary reagents on you. If you have several spellbooks with you, the spell has to be in the one you're holding in your hand. )
魔法环数(Spell Circle) 智力/魔力(INT/Mana) 所需技能(Skill)
第一环(First) 4 0.0
第二环(Second) 6 0.0
第三环(Third) 9 3.5
第四环(Fourth) 11 17.8
第五环(Fifth) 14 32.1
第六环(Sixth) 20 46.4
第七环(Seventh) 40 60.7
第八环(Eighth) 50 75.0
* 不管抄写成功或失败,都将消耗药材与空白滚动条(blank scroll),当抄写成功时会消耗MANA
(Regardless of failure or success when scribing scrolls, and inscription attempt will always use up reagents and the blank scroll. On a successful attempt, the mana is also consumed.)

抄写成功率(Success Rates of Inscription)

抄写技能等级(Inscription Skill Level (displayed skill))
魔法环数 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
1 60 70 80 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
3 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
4 0 0 0 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 100 100 100 100
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 100
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50
成功率取近视值(Success rates have been rounded to the nearest whole number)
使用滚动条施法(Casting Spells from Scrolls)
  • 当用滚动条施法的时候,成功率将采用比这个魔法低两环的魔法成功率。(举个例子,如果player可以使用6环魔法,那么它将可以用滚动条来施放8环魔法,成功率采用直接使用6环魔法的成功率。) 详细请参照法师施法指南。
    When casting a scroll, the game treats that scroll as if it were 2 spell Circles lower in order to determine chance of failure. (For example, if a player were to cast the 8th Circle spell Resurrection from a scroll in order to restore a fallen comrade to life, that player would have to be able to cast 6th Circle spells and would have a chance to cast that scroll equal to his success rate of castng spells of the 6th Circle.) See Magery for spellcasting requirements.
  • 如果施法成功,Mana的消耗将和正常施放该法术时的消耗量相等。I
    f the casting is successful, the amount of Mana normally required for spells of the same Circle of the scroll is consumed.
    抄写技能复制书(Copying Books)*未开放
    也可以用来抄写书籍。与使用抄写笔(scribe's pen)来抄写滚动条不同,需要透过技能列表来选择该技能以抄写书籍。先点选要抄写的书,在点选空白书籍。
    T he Inscription skill can also be used to copy books. Unlike scribing scrolls, where you have to use a scribe's pen, with copying books you have to use the Inscription skill through the skill gump. First target the "full" book and then the "empty" book you want to copy to.
    • 当你的技能比较低的时候,抄写书籍是一种非常方便的方法,可以把你的技能提升到40-50
      Copying books is an excellent method for low-level scribes to get their skill up to between 40 and 50.
    法术加成(Spell Bonuses)
    抄写技能将给与下列魔法额外加成伤害(抄写技能/10) %
    Inscription adds (Inscription skill / 10)% bonus damage to the following spells:
    • Magic Arrow
    • Harm
    • Fireball
    • Lightning
    • Energy Bolt
    • Explosion
    • Chain Lightning
    • Flamestrike
    • Meteor Swarm

    The potency of the following spells mainly depends on the caster's inscription skill:

    • Reactive Armor:
      Increases caster's Physical Resistance by ((Inscription / 20) + 15) points, decreases caster's Fire, Cold, Energy and Poison Resistance by 5 points each.
      Lasts until cast again.
    • Protection:
      降低物理抗性 :(15 - (抄写技能/20))
      降低魔法防御(Magic Resistance) :(35 - (抄写技能/20))
      Allows you to cast spells without being interrupted. Lowers physical resistance and resist magic skill, increases spell casting delay. Excellent for mages that like to use Harm or Poison since those spells are more potent if you stand next to your victim. Also allows you to cast Greater Heals without the need to run away first.
      Lasts until cast again.
    • Magic Reflect:
      会各增加10点火、冰、能量、毒抗性 但会降低物理抗性。计算公式(25-(抄写技能/20)),法术效果将持续到下一次施该法术
      Decreases caster's Physical Resistance by (25 - (Inscription / 20)) points, increases caster's Fire, Cold, Energy and Poison Resistance by 10 points each. Almost opposite of Reactive Armor spell.
      Lasts until cast again.
    • 符石书将使用抄写技能来制作,但至少需要45点抄写技能。
      Runebooks will be craftable using the inscription skill, requiring at least 45 skill to attempt.
    • 抄写师需要有8个空白滚动条,1个recall滚动条,1个gate travel滚动条和1个符石。
      Inscribers will need 8 blank scrolls, 1 recall scroll, 1 gate travel scroll and a rune.
    • 制作符石书,使用抄写笔选择制作符石书。系统会自动检查原料和技能。
      To make a rune book, use a scribe's pen and select Other then Runebook. The system will check to make sure you have the necessary components and skill.
    • 如果制作失败,你将会损失一些空白滚动条,1个recall滚动条,1个gate travel滚动条和1个符石。
      If the creation of the book fails you will lose the recall scroll, the gate scroll, the rune and some blank scrolls.
    • 符石书可以填充的次数为5-10,取决于抄写技能的高低
      The number of charges a book can hold will range from 5 to 10, depending on the skill of the Inscriber.
    • 根据抄写师的抄写技能高低,可以做出EX的符石书。
      Depending on the inscription skill of the inscriber, a rune book can be of exceptional quality.
    • 普通的符石书只有5-9的填充数,EX制品将有7-10的填充数
      Regular rune books hold 5 to 9 charges, depending on the skill of the crafter. Exceptional quality rune books generally hold 7 to 10 charges.
    • GM抄写师做出的符石书将会带有签名。
      A Grandmaster scribe that creates an exceptional rune book can have his or her name attached to it as Maker's Mark .


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